Tree Services Offered

Tree Trimming

Some homeowners look at tree trimming as a DIY project, but we recommend going with the experts at Lebanon Tree to do the job. We're a professional tree company located in Lebanon, Tennessee
Our tree trimming process is safe, and your trees will look healthy and great, and it'll save you the time, energy and possibly injury by trimming your own trees. Call (615) 945-5039 to schedule our tree trimming services today.

No one wants a tree branch to fall on their car, home or your neighbors property. We'll protect your property by:

  • Removing branches that are in risk of falling

  • Cutting limbs that are too close to your property or vehicle

  • Reduce the overall weight of a tree and reduce its chances of falling 

  • Thinning of dead or unwanted branches to minimize the likelihood of wind damage 

Tree Trimming and Tree remvoal Projects

Tree Removal

If you have damaged, old or deteriorating trees on your home or property don't wait for it to fall and cause damage or let a storm take it out and even cause more damage.  Maintain he protection of your property by calling Lebanon Tree Service at (615) 945-5039 for all your tree removal needs in the Middle Tennessee area.
We'll come out and assess the condition of any trees on your property before making any recommendations for tree removal. In some cases, we may be able to remove limbs to maintain the health of the tree.
We have the tools and equipment to provide for any type tree removal.

  • Take down trees of any size

  • Haul away all the debris and clean up

Call us or Click Here to send us an inquiry about your tree removal needs.

Call us for your estimate